
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Psycho Pass

I'm not a cinephile, but I really like and enjoy watching movies. Even so, this post isn't for my favourite movie, but fot the last serie that I found very interesting. In fact it's an anime, the first I watch for a long time, because my time of being otaku has passed.

It has reflexive and well estructurated plot, as well as characters, including the villain; and talk about topics like freedom and justice inside an utopic society.

It all ocurrs in a future where Japan have a sort of omnipresent System called "Sybil", which judges all the society, and is capable of determine, not only a large part ot the life of each citizen (such as their vocations), but more importantly, it's capable of measure their threat level, known as their "Psycho-Pass". The protagonist, Akane Tsunemori, is part of a special police unity whose objetive is to subjugate these potentialy dangerous individuals. But soon she realizes that the Sibyl System's judgments are not as perfect as everyone assume.

Above all, it helped me to internalize the knowledge of various university subjects, due to it's Plot and the diverse literary references, from philosophy to psychiatry.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

My dream job?

Actually, I have several dream jobs, because I wouldn't like to work in just one thing all my life. So I would like to work in two of them parallelly. However, even though the collision with reality tells me to aim to a specific job, it hasn't stopped me to do the second one, at least as a hobby.

The job I'm aiming is Clinical Psychology, because since I was a kid I've always wanted to know what lies beneath the human mind; as well as, help people with their problems and motivate them through the process. And maybe, in the future work as a professor in an university.
Yet, the 'job' I would like to dedicate half of my time is to be some kind of Visual Artist. Firstly, because it always seemed beautiful to me the ability of making videos and pictures to preserve moments, so then, be able to acces to that memories whenever you want. Secondly because I have the constant impulse and desire of creating new things.

The qualities I consider not only important, but also nessesary in order to be a good Clinical Psychologist, or an 'intelectual' in general; are mainly empathy and humility, as well as an open mind and the capacity to listen to others; These are qualities in which I'm slowly proggresing on.
Besides, to be an Visual Artist, I think that I need mainly consistency and time/boredom/creativity, plus, a decent social media management, wich represents a problem because I don't like social media that much.

Finally, when we talk about job satisfaction, I think to become a Clinical Psychologist, I could get the feeling of doing something meaningful in my life and for others; by reducing the suffering and the degeneration of the society. But, to become a Visual Artist, possibly would mean an escape from stress and monotony.