
Saturday, August 1, 2020

Getting used to the English language

Fisrt of all, hello. I have never introduced myself in any of my previous blogs, and this isn't the exception. 
Now, more seriously, this English course has helped and contributed mostly in my verbal fluency and capacity of writing, these through the blogs and online classes. It allowed me to get used to this language in my daily life, for example in random interactions with people. 
In regards of what I need to improve, I think that are the same I have already mentioned, because I'm already used to listen and read in this foregin language.

I think learning a new language is very useful if you want to increase your knoledge, and it's especially important learn English beacuse it expands your posibilities of interaction with the rest of the people around the world

Finally I would like to thank to the people I have had contact with, from the teacher to my classmates for making this instance enjoyable. This series of classes and blogs had been actually therapeutic in a sense. Until the next time my english fellows, gbwy.

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