
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Postgraduate Studies

I have thought about it, but just superficially, because I don't even know if I'm going to be able to do postgraduate studies, and honestly, I don't like to think about it deeply, because things not always go the way you plan or want.

As I already mentioned in the previous blog, I would like to become a Clinical Psychologist, so for now, I would like to take a course to specialize in that area, this way I would be more effective helping people. But apart from that, there are other subjects that I consider very interesting, in whiches I would like to do postgraduate studies as well, like psychology of sports and psychology of creativity.

When it comes to 'where and how' to study, it would be great to do a postgraduate course in Germany because of the location, but I have no problem studying in Chile, and I would prefer the part-time modality. Othwerwise I don't think I could afford the course.

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