
Saturday, August 1, 2020

Getting used to the English language

Fisrt of all, hello. I have never introduced myself in any of my previous blogs, and this isn't the exception. 
Now, more seriously, this English course has helped and contributed mostly in my verbal fluency and capacity of writing, these through the blogs and online classes. It allowed me to get used to this language in my daily life, for example in random interactions with people. 
In regards of what I need to improve, I think that are the same I have already mentioned, because I'm already used to listen and read in this foregin language.

I think learning a new language is very useful if you want to increase your knoledge, and it's especially important learn English beacuse it expands your posibilities of interaction with the rest of the people around the world

Finally I would like to thank to the people I have had contact with, from the teacher to my classmates for making this instance enjoyable. This series of classes and blogs had been actually therapeutic in a sense. Until the next time my english fellows, gbwy.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Psychology Programme

When I choose this university, I hadn't so many options. In consequence I chose it just because it was the best option to get a job afterwards, and not for its curriculum. Nonetheles, from what I have seen, I felt like it is very cohesive among its subjects. I only would reconsider the importance of some subjects from our first year regarding our professional formation. That year, was just an introductory year, not even to Psychology, but to Social Sciences. The workload are mainly read and comprehend what you are reading. Personally, due to my educational background, it's really difficult to read so much and attend to six subjects at the same time. That's the reason why I took one extra-curricular course in all my journey as student. It was a physical conditioning course, and I think that's my limit per semester. 

Sincerley, I don't know much of the infrastructure of the university, or the technology it uses. My 2019 generation lived in strikes. But I think the classrooms from the old FACSO department could have a better ventilation, the rest is ok. 
In terms of teaching methods, It would be great to have more didactic classes and have more practical activities. Unfortunately, the only practical activities we were going to have, were cancelled. Additionally, some specifical professors we had in our first year could be more relaxed with their subjects, specially with their forms of proceed with evaluation.


Thursday, July 9, 2020

When the Quarantine Ends

I live in a city where is not in quarantine, but part of my family live in a city where is in quarantine, and in general, we are overcoming very well this pandemic. Although not all had been perfect, we all support each other and share time together.
The pandemic situation could defenitively be an opportunity to improve as a society, and after thinking a little bit about it, I think that the best we can do is to make our environment as nice and confortable as possible, including our relatives, friends and people with whom we may come into contact, by simply sharing time together and beeing honest and emphatic at every interaction. Watch some movies together or something, I don't know. This way, I think we could have a better foundation supporting us, so that in the future, we can interact with the society with confidence.

During this time new activities has emerged, at the same time I have stopped doing certain activities, and I couldn't tell if studies became a problem, because sincerly, I haven't put much of attention to the university subjects, other than English.

When the pandemia ends I hope to attend the Opeth's concert, which had been postponed to 2021, because I HAVE to see them playing live and listen to Mikael Åkerfeldt's awesome voice, at least once in my life. I would also go out for a bike ride and take photos freely, with no preocupations.
Finally, I think that more than anything, I'm realistic about all this situation. I hope for the best, but I'm prepared to the worst.


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Postgraduate Studies

I have thought about it, but just superficially, because I don't even know if I'm going to be able to do postgraduate studies, and honestly, I don't like to think about it deeply, because things not always go the way you plan or want.

As I already mentioned in the previous blog, I would like to become a Clinical Psychologist, so for now, I would like to take a course to specialize in that area, this way I would be more effective helping people. But apart from that, there are other subjects that I consider very interesting, in whiches I would like to do postgraduate studies as well, like psychology of sports and psychology of creativity.

When it comes to 'where and how' to study, it would be great to do a postgraduate course in Germany because of the location, but I have no problem studying in Chile, and I would prefer the part-time modality. Othwerwise I don't think I could afford the course.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Psycho Pass

I'm not a cinephile, but I really like and enjoy watching movies. Even so, this post isn't for my favourite movie, but fot the last serie that I found very interesting. In fact it's an anime, the first I watch for a long time, because my time of being otaku has passed.

It has reflexive and well estructurated plot, as well as characters, including the villain; and talk about topics like freedom and justice inside an utopic society.

It all ocurrs in a future where Japan have a sort of omnipresent System called "Sybil", which judges all the society, and is capable of determine, not only a large part ot the life of each citizen (such as their vocations), but more importantly, it's capable of measure their threat level, known as their "Psycho-Pass". The protagonist, Akane Tsunemori, is part of a special police unity whose objetive is to subjugate these potentialy dangerous individuals. But soon she realizes that the Sibyl System's judgments are not as perfect as everyone assume.

Above all, it helped me to internalize the knowledge of various university subjects, due to it's Plot and the diverse literary references, from philosophy to psychiatry.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

My dream job?

Actually, I have several dream jobs, because I wouldn't like to work in just one thing all my life. So I would like to work in two of them parallelly. However, even though the collision with reality tells me to aim to a specific job, it hasn't stopped me to do the second one, at least as a hobby.

The job I'm aiming is Clinical Psychology, because since I was a kid I've always wanted to know what lies beneath the human mind; as well as, help people with their problems and motivate them through the process. And maybe, in the future work as a professor in an university.
Yet, the 'job' I would like to dedicate half of my time is to be some kind of Visual Artist. Firstly, because it always seemed beautiful to me the ability of making videos and pictures to preserve moments, so then, be able to acces to that memories whenever you want. Secondly because I have the constant impulse and desire of creating new things.

The qualities I consider not only important, but also nessesary in order to be a good Clinical Psychologist, or an 'intelectual' in general; are mainly empathy and humility, as well as an open mind and the capacity to listen to others; These are qualities in which I'm slowly proggresing on.
Besides, to be an Visual Artist, I think that I need mainly consistency and time/boredom/creativity, plus, a decent social media management, wich represents a problem because I don't like social media that much.

Finally, when we talk about job satisfaction, I think to become a Clinical Psychologist, I could get the feeling of doing something meaningful in my life and for others; by reducing the suffering and the degeneration of the society. But, to become a Visual Artist, possibly would mean an escape from stress and monotony.

Monday, May 25, 2020

LeRock Fest

It was on 11st  May of the past year, a day after my birthday, at the Matucana100 Cultural Center, in Santiago.

Me and my cousin heard about this festival just a week before it, and at the moment we knew the lineup, we bought our tickets right away.
It was a festival so we saw a variety of other bands, but I'm only going to talk about two of them in this post: Daughters and A Place to Bury Strangers. The second one have a pretty cute name for sure.

Oliver Ackermann, APTBS.

 I don't know how to describe them but a word could be "chaos". The vocallist Alexis Marshall is quite a bit crazy. They are from Providence, Rhode Island, United States and this was their first time in South America. I discovered them from an instagram post, that ending being the cover of their new album. The first time I heard them it was really disturbing, by the second time I was habit to hear it, and at the third time I was strangely attached to their sound.

APTBS: Described as "the loudest band in New York". They was the main reason to us to go to this festival, and I don't think I have to describe their sound because most of their music is just noise. Oliver Ackermann is the guitarist/vocallist and founder of the band, he owns a pedal effects company called "Death By Audio".

The festival were outdoors, late nite. There wasn't too many people but most of them looked really excited. All the people wore black cloths. It was a ''edgy/cool'' kind of atmosphere.

I enjoided it a lot because i was in front of the stage, with the band members and the speakers in front of my face. It was a really fun experience because most the people around were jumping and screaming the lyrics. Altough i wasn't euphoric, it felt like a burst of adrenaline.

When they were playing, throwing the microphones and their instruments was something normal. And at one moment the Daughters's vocalist climb up one of the pilars of the stage and the guards had to help him to climb down. Also, when he were on the ground, the technicians had to go get back the microphone, but it wasn't a problem because it seems that they had many microphones to replace them. He appeared with a new one every five minutes.
Finally when APTBS were finishing their show, the drummer threw his drumsticks to the crowd, and I managed to return home with one of them. It was quite splintered tho, but it's a cool souvenir.

PD: Just to you know I listen to a lot of others genres. I'm not crazy, I swear for my russian cat.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A place that i would like to visit.

Vestrahorn Mountain.
The country I would like to visit is Iceland. It's a place I want to go before I die because it's full of interesting things to do and witness. There are such amazing places to visit that just seems like another planet.

I know from Iceland that is a very popular place to visit as well as expensive. Its economy is mainly based on tourism. There are twice as many sheep as there are inhabitants. It's the only country that haven't their own army. And some interesting artist come from there like Björk, Sigur Rós and Vök.

Northern Lights in Budir.

What I don't want to do there! Take lots of photos, do whale watching, catch the northern lights and visit their ice caves, the blue lagoon. Also I would like to witness their waterfalls, spectacular geysers and mountains.

However, I just want to visit it, I wouldn't like to live there honestly. Because I could not adapt to the stylelife and there are other places I want to go.